Senin, 09 September 2013

best ptc :

earn per day:$0.05 for standart member
advertisement per day is 22 : $0.02
autosurf video is 180 : $0.03
For Standard Members  :
Method 1st Payout 2nd Payout 3th Payout 4th Payout 5th and all Subsequent Payouts
Alertpay $2.5 $3 $3.5 $4 $4.25
Paypal $0.6 $1.2 $2 $2.5 $3
For Premium Members :
Method 1st Payout 2nd Payout 3th Payout 4th Payout 5th and all subsequent payouts
Alertpay $2.00 $2.5 $3 $3.5 $3.5
Paypal $0.25 $0.5 $1 $1.5 $2